Developing unfathered and at-risk boys and girls into global-minded leaders of GOD’S design.

of at-risk boys and girls reached.

years of targeted Christian ministry!


of homes are led by a single parent mother

The PROBLEM – National & Local

NO vision

“Where there’s no vision (God’s Word & Design) people cast out restraint.”
Proverbs 29:18

NO stability

3/4 children’s homes have no father present. Often these children and families are living in survival mode.

NO hope

Financial (generational), Emotional (imbalance), Academic (apathy/failure), Relational (dysfunction/disrespect)

The SOLUTION – Child/Mother “Connections”

God’s Word

“So faith comes from hearing the Word of Christ.” Romans 10:1
“The Word is “profitable for teaching.” 2 Timothy 3:16

Mentorship Team

“Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”
Galatians 6:2
There are 59 “one-anothers” in the Bible!

Time (9 years)

Jesus (God in the flesh) modeled that deep connections over time are a vital part of people development.

The Desired OUTCOME

Vision (God-Size)

P.A.R.K.S. their life in the secure “Garage” of God’s way and God’s design. (soul thirsts for God – Psalm 42:1)

Stability (Rooted)

Long term socio-economic transformation happens best in a “natural mentor” relationship (not mentor program).

Hope (Temporal & Eternal)

“For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans to give you HOPE and a FUTURE.” Jeremiah 29:11

How YOU Can Help

Investment Partner

In Provision

Investment Partner

In Person

Investment Partner

In Prayer

The Problem.

58% of homes have only one parent present.

The Solution.

Call the Christian community to GET INVOLVED to mentor boys and girls for better tomorrows.

The Plan.

Active Christ-centered mentorship makes a life-long difference in boys and girls.

JOIN US by consider giving of your Time, Treasure or Talent.





Outside the Walls

A blog by Amy Mitchell, JCLC’s Director of Operations

Join Amy as she shares the reality of the children & families JCLC serves.

JCLC Leadership Conference

JCLC Leadership Conference

Theme Bible Verse: “His delight is not in the strength of the horse, nor his pleasure in the legs of a man, but the Lord takes pleasure in those who fear him, in those who hope in his steadfast love.” Psalm 147:10-11It’s easy to see why an athlete who desires to...

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Sitting in the Discomfort

Sitting in the Discomfort

As part of my recovery from a complicated hip replacement in 2021, I began attending weekly exercise classes to help lengthen my muscles and tendons.  It has been extremely beneficial to not only my physical health, but has also encouraged me to make time to take care...

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Thank Heaven for Little Girls

Thank Heaven for Little Girls

A few weeks ago, we took a group of our teen girls away for a 2 day Leadership Conference at a nearby state park.  I have known most of these girls since elementary school and have had the opportunity to watch them grow and mature over the last number of years. As I...

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