
Outside the Walls

Sitting in the Discomfort

Sitting in the Discomfort

As part of my recovery from a complicated hip replacement in 2021, I began attending weekly exercise classes to help lengthen my muscles and tendons.  It has been extremely beneficial to not only my physical health, but has also encouraged me to make time to take care...

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Thank Heaven for Little Girls

Thank Heaven for Little Girls

A few weeks ago, we took a group of our teen girls away for a 2 day Leadership Conference at a nearby state park.  I have known most of these girls since elementary school and have had the opportunity to watch them grow and mature over the last number of years. As I...

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You Only Know What You Know

You Only Know What You Know

My daughter is getting married this month. It is an exciting and busy time filled with much joy and anticipation. It so happens that my daughter works for Joshua and Caleb Leadership Center alongside my husband and I. She is a vital component of our programming and...

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Silent Night

Silent Night

Singing Silent Night by candlelight at the midnight Christmas Eve service is one of my favorite events of the year. There is something about coming together in the dimly lit church singing “all is calm, all is bright,” and reflecting on the unconventional birth of our...

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The Ministry of Presence

The Ministry of Presence

As someone who has worked in the nonprofit sector for over 30 years, I am entirely aware of the impact data can have on funders, marketing, etc. We all want to know that our money and time are being well spent. We want to see a return on our investment (or donation)...

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Going It Alone

Going It Alone

My mom passed away on August 1st at the age of 86.  As I have been processing the myriad of emotions that come with losing a parent, I have been more keenly aware of the enormous role a mother plays in a child’s life, and how incredibly difficult that role is for...

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Sources of Support

Sources of Support

Society has many names for the people in our lives that we call upon for support and encouragement; people, peeps, crew, posse, village, circle of support, besties, BFF’s, bros, squad, network, compadres…the list goes on.  The fact that there are so many names for...

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What’s in Your Backpack?

What’s in Your Backpack?

Throughout Cleveland, hundreds of generous teachers, individuals, and organizations are purchasing school supplies to stock the backpacks of children in need as they return to school.  In these difficult financial times, these donations are a vital resource for so...

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Where There is No Vision…

Where There is No Vision…

Julian is 11 years old. He lives with his mother, Jackie, his older brother Logan, 17, and his little sister, Maya, 6. Julian, Logan, and Maya each have different dads, none of whom are involved in their lives or pay child support. The kids might hear from one of...

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